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Last one from Fallout 3. I played on very hard all the way through every mish as the hero, then I tried to redo as the villain, but didn't get very far. I just can't get into being a bad guy. Great game though, thanks Bethesda (For Oblivion too).
The song is 'Missionary Man' by Anne Lennix.
This Vid is really just an excuse to show the pyrotechnics and physics of the Gamebryo engine.

Voice actors for the game included

Liam Neeson as James
Malcolm McDowell as President John Henry Eden
Ron Perlman as Narrator
Odette Yustman as Amata
Jeff Baker as Stanley / Hannibal Hamlin Sergeant RL-3
Erik Dellums as Three Dog
Shari Elliker as Beatrice / Reilly / Star Paladin Cross
Wes Johnson as Mr. Burke / Fawkes
Stephen Russell as Andy / Minister Buckingham / The Great One
Craig Sechler as Butch / Harkness

We're witnessing the end of 6 hour games. If it doesn't last at least 40 I won't spend money on it.